Shipping Policy

Where can we deliver the package to? What are the shipping details?

  • We can ship to all countries in the world.
  • Shipping details:
1)We offer worldwide tracked shipping on all orders.
2)We will package your order and ship it with in 3 working days after we receive your order!
3)Shipping is quicker than listed in most cases. Processing time 1 - 5 days.
4)Tracking numbers sent by email after a short processing period.
*5)Any items are in transit after 60 days qualify for our full refund or reship guarantee.
*Once the customer chooses a plan (refund or reship), Phomemo will not take any follow-up responsibility after refund or re-shipped.
For example: Mike haven't receive the package after 60 days, Phomemo re-shipped / refund the order. If Mike still couldn't receive the package, Phomemo is not responsible for this situation.
6)Please contact us for any further questions and our support team will be happy to help.


What are the respective shipping times?

  • Shipping esitimate time:


Free Tracked Shipping

Estimated Delivery Time


5 - 14 Days


5 - 15 Days

CANADA 5 - 15 Days
AUSTRALIA 5 - 15 Days
EAST ASIA  5 - 15 Days
CHINA 2 - 5 Days



7 - 30 Days


15 - 60 Days

 (Estimated Delivery Time calculated based on the actual day of shipment.)


Item Delivery Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

  • Within 7 days of receiving the item, if the customer is dissatisfied with the order, the customer can return the product.
  • But the customer needs to afford the shipping fee and offer us the tracking number. Once we receive the parcel, we will return the product fee within 3 days.



We're committed to providing free shipping to almost all the countries around the worl ( except for Reunion Island, Dominica, Guadeloupe, etc, where free shipping serive is temporarily unavailable, but DHL paid to ship is an option ).

However, there're differences in the end-to-end logistics of shipping in each country and region. If you're asked for a fee by the courier when collecting your shipment, please contact us promptly for feedback and prvide proof, and we will compsensate the corresponding amount after verification.



What if the logistics information shows delivered but have not receive the package?

  • In this case,according to post office, it will take 60 days to investigate. After 60 days, if there are no results, we will re-shipped or refund.


How are customs duties and import taxes handled?

  • All cross-border shipments are to pass through the customs clearance. The customer is responsible for all customs duties and import taxes. Customs duties and taxes vary in different countries.
    • The usual tariffs are approximately $15 in Brazil.The tariffs may vary depending on the items purchased.
  • Vixic is not responsible for any tax invoice charged on its products. Shipping rates are estimates and may depend on   different policies and tax rates applied per country.Please contact local customs for clarity and information.
  • The tariff is paid by Customers. If the parcel was destroyed or returned because the customer doesn't pay for the tariff or receive the parcel on time, we ONLY return the product price as the following:

Product Price


Below $20

100% refund


50% refund 

Over $70

25% refund



Can I change the delivery address of my package after it has been shipped out?

  • Unfortunately, we cannot change the shipment once the product is en route.


What do I need to do when I received a different product than what I ordered?


If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.